Emilia Ronchetti

Kundalini Activation & Consciousness Expansion

Want to live the life of your dreams? Find freedom within yourself and allow it to change your reality

Mentoring 1:1

Emilia is a User Experience strategist. For the past 10 years, she worked in the corporate world helping companies define their value proposition and set objectives in order to achieve their desired results. She is now providing these services to people, in order to help them create a career that’s also aligned with their personal life. 

  • FREE Discovery Call
  • Workshop to define your unique value proposition and Brand
  • Workshop on How to market yourself
  • Interview prep
  • Personal calls to work on unblocking what’s holding you back

Kundalini Activation is an embodied practice

What does this mean? There are no magical solutions. You can and you will experience many sensations during a session but to truly change your life you need to integrate and apply changes in your daily routine and practices.

You can start your Kundalini Activation journey with an online session, either a group class or book a private one, and start experiencing this transformational practice.

Connect with what you truly are. Live the life you want to live. It all starts with you.